Generation Loss on VF80 When Ping Ponging

Lawrence Bulloc

New member
Does anyone else notice degradation in sound when ping ponging on the VF80? I seem to notice a bit but I wanted to know if this is something that's a given. I know it is in analogue recording but thought digital would be better in this respect.
First off, the VF80 IS a digital recorder, not an analog one.

Secondly, you can experience degradation if the ping-ponging is via the DAC --> analog circuit on the "console" --> ADC --> submix'd digital track

The converters on these portastudio types are going to be a weak spot, as well as the analog circuitry thru the faders...

I'm only speculating as to this is how the unit is designed, but it would explain why you'd hear a degradation....!
Blue Bear Sound said:
First off, the VF80 IS a digital recorder, not an analog one.
The converters on these portastudio types are going to be a weak spot, as well as the analog circuitry thru the faders...

The Mixer on the VF80 is digital, and my understanding of the unit is that while things are being mixed, pingend and ponged, they never leave the digital domain.

I never noticed any degradation in ping-ponging on the VF80, but it was very important to watch out for noise on individual tracks that could start to add up.

Also, after you bounce 1-6 (or any tracks) down to 7/8, or whatever, it's important to delete or mute the tracks bounced from or they will all still be in the mix along with the tracks bounced to, and it will all be playing at once, with effects, etc. Not good.
billisa said:
The Mixer on the VF80 is digital, and my understanding of the unit is that while things are being mixed, pingend and ponged, they never leave the digital domain.
In that case, so much for my speculation, then!

Well, in his book Bob Katz puts the boot firmly into the belief that there is no degradation on digital processing such as mixdown. Whether the likes of most of us would hear it is a different matter:)

The line "I know it is in analogue recording..." was misinterpreted. What I meant was that I know degradation occurs in analogue recording if you ping pong, not that I was under the impression that the VF80 was an analogue machine.

Just to clear that up. Cheers!

I guess I should learn how to use commas better....
Thanks to all

Thanks for all the useful information you've submitted. I think the one regarding noise on individual tracks addresses my problem best. Need to watch that.
