general questions


New member
I've recorded some drums and have edited them down. I am wondering if I should be fading the volume in and out when I have cut out the drum mistakes. I realize that there is a cut out in the sound but guitars and bass etc. masks this. Just wonderingwhat the proper etiquette was. thanks and sorry if this question is pretty stupid.
If you're editing drums (or any track, for that matter), you generally don't simply cut out the bad parts and leave gaps.... with Cubase (or any other DAW s/w), you can easily replace the bad parts with good ones from another section of the song....

Of course, you do this too many times and your music may come out lifeless and lacking performance impact, but the ability is there to edit to your heart's content to make the perfect track!

However, if the performance is REALLY bad, it's usually easily to simply re-record the part, rather than editing the fuck out of it....
More specifically what I've done is taken out one bad drum hit on a sparse drum track. So its really just one gap where nothing should be. Should I replace it with a bit of just room silence noise, or should I fade the volume out and then back in? thanks
If you simply removed an errant hit, what is there to fade?

(without hearing what you're talking about, it's impossible to make a suggestion!)
I guess that its the difference between room silence picked up by the mics and lack of sound silence. In between drum hits normally on the track there is room silence but since I have cut out the errant hit there is absolute silence. I can notice the difference when soloing the track but not really when everything is on. s