General Questions about Computer Recording


New member
I just go into computer recording this week, and my band is getting ready to record some songs. I am using Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 and have a Delta 44 soundcard. I have some questions on methods of recording.
1. When you record, do you use a computer metronome to keep your time, or does it matter? If so, do you run an out from the soundcard and into headphones or what? I can't seem to get the volume loud enough when i do it to be able to hear the metronome and hear myself play.

2. This question also ties in to the first one. Supposing you lay down the drum tracks first, do you listen to the drums while recording the guitar? I also can't get the volume loud enough so I can hear both things.
Playing to a click track is an excellent thing to do, but can be difficult depending on the song. You should be able to raise the volume for the click track independently. If you have a good drummer, see if he can lay his track down with a click and just play along with him to keep him in place with the song itself.
If he has difficulty with that but he can keep good time just record drums and guitar simultaneously on two tracks.
You might try giong from the line out into a headphone amp, or at least to a decent stereo, that way you can boost the volume in your headphones. Most sound cards don't give you a lot of volume for the headphones, especialy if you are micing amps or drums.