General mix comments please


I'd like to get some general mix comments on Little Things Please leave out the performance related issues because the guys are young and there are obvious mistakes. I think this is the first time they were in a studio setting, (if that's what you can call my garage:D ) so they had some issues. There was major editing to resolve timing problems but I got it close. By the way, I couln't have done this without this place. Thanks guys

Forgot to tell ya, the guit leads are still missing
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I'm batting 1000 tonight. The last bunch of tunes I've listened to have been exceptional. No exception here. Tell me this is an original tune. It kicks ass at any rate. I like it all the way around, performance and recording. Mikey likes it.:cool:
i can't wait to hear this come along! excellent song. A+ i love it!

the other stuff i heard from you was a lot of really good guitar playing but i didn't really hear you write anything with a melody yet....and holy shit, this is a good song.

drums sound awsome. do tell the secret. mics and all.

i want the vocal more up front. and i really want to hear a b3! i almost thought i heard it a couple of times.

nice bass tone too!

please post the version with the git solos. and turn up the vocal a tad.

thanks. just listened for the fifth time! great song.
Thanks Rat and erichenryus

The drums, believe it or not are and old beat up set of Maxwin by pearl. New heads, tuned as best as possible being the condition they are in is the first step

SM57 on snare
Audix F12 on kick
Audix F10 on toms
2 Audix F15 for overheads. ( I have the fusion 6 mic set)

Everthing flat for tracking
A little comp on kick and snare at mix

Ya know, I can almost hear the B3 in there as well even though there isn't one:D That's a guitar with a little chorus and a lot of compression. I was thinking of adding the B3 though, so it's kinda funny you said that.
yeah.... this song is really cool! It gives me the feeling of kickin it at a BBQ drinking tons of beer and just kinda feeling good. Not so much the words.... but the feel of the music.

The only gripe I have is that the snare sounds a little burried. It's a great snare sound.... I'd bring it up a little. The bottom end is a little boomy for my taste but that could be just my speakers. Great job over all!!

rushfan33 said:
The bottom end is a little boomy for my taste but that could be just my speakers. Great job over all!!
First and foremost, the song's very cool. The melody is just timeless...Kind of reminds me of something the Black Crowes might tackle. It's also got something that's been missing in some of your other tunes...(besides vocals) which is a definable chorus. Good job.

Here's a comment I haven't made in about 3 months. It's got too much low end. I think rolling off the low low low lows would clear it up. Hard to describe for me, I mean it has definition and seperation between/among the instruments, but it just sound like it's muddy and really hyped below about 200Hz. Have you listened to this in your car/truck/RV/snowmobile? If and when you do, you might try listening to it the way you listen to other tunes...i.e., crank the bass and the highs. I think you'll hear what I'm talking about.
chrisharris said:

Here's a comment I haven't made in about 3 months. It's got too much low end. I think rolling off the low low low lows would clear it up. Hard to describe for me, I mean it has definition and seperation between/among the instruments, but it just sound like it's muddy and really hyped below about 200Hz. Have you listened to this in your car/truck/RV/snowmobile? If and when you do, you might try listening to it the way you listen to other tunes...i.e., crank the bass and the highs. I think you'll hear what I'm talking about.

WoW! First 5 seconds on hearing the drums and bass come in and I was thinking the exact same thing. There's no frequency seperation between the kick and bass guitar. It's a muddied jumble. The rest of the recording is pretty clean. Could use more rhythm/acoustic, it's hard to make it out.

Could be a preference though, some have already replied they liked the bass sound, but on my rather decent Sony home system with sub it sounds muddy.
I thought this was a pretty nice song. Nice guitar parts.

You might be able to bring up the lead vocals a little bit. They're covered up just slightly by the guitars. I think there are harmonies there, but a bit too far back.

I like the stops with the little lead riffs, but it maybe over done just a bit.

Does the drummer rush the tempo in spots? A little weirdness at 1:02-1:05 and 2:21-2:24. Or is it just me?

My thoughts... Trip
Yep, tons of beer is what I was thinkin too:D I thought the snare was a little low too but the wife said it was good where it's at. Last time I listen to her:mad:


The bass was recorded direct through the mixer and alot of compression added at mix time due to extreme dynamic issues with the bass player. He also plays with his fingers way up around the 17th fret. Doesn't get alot of attack like with a pick.


Nope, didn't play it in the car yet but that's what I feared. Having a hard time with the bass mudding things up. If I cut the lows, there's nothing left. Like I said, I think it is due to his playing style. Any tips on how to fix it would be appreciated. Maybe a retracking:rolleyes:


Thanks for the listen. I'm at a loss as to how to clean up the bass. I'm definately gonna go back a see what I can do with it. I'm thinking more and more on retracking.


Yeh, my head itches too:D

Yes the drummer had some timing issues. There are a number of edits on the drum tracks to get them as good as they are now. Sooner or later ya just gotta say enough is enough :D I think I'm gonna take yer advice and bump up that vocal a little too.

Thanks everyone. I'm gonna get the leads down and see if I can clean up that mud and put a what is hopefully the final version ( if there really is such a thing.)
Okay, no comments on the performance or composition. They do sound like kids.

I agree that the bass is too boomy. Try scooping out at or near the bottom. Snare sounds kind of hollow; you want to to crackle more; maybe also an eq issue; perhaps try boosting 7-10k. Vocal sounds really good but is buried in the mix. It's hard for me to hear how things are panned on my speakers -- vocal should be pretty much alone in the middle (maybe along with the drums), or maybe just turn it up a bit.
HangDawg said:

Thanks for the listen. I'm at a loss as to how to clean up the bass. I'm definately gonna go back a see what I can do with it. I'm thinking more and more on retracking.

Well, ideally you would clean up the individual tracks of kick and bass guitar, but I have no idea what type of setup you have (PC, 8-16 track tape/digital, etc...).

If this situation presents itself in my own home recordings, I simply re-EQ the tracks, giving the kick low-level priority (40-100hz, +3db) over the bass guitar track for the same frequencies (-3 or 6db)... this creates instrument seperation and clarity, reducing the compounding of those matched frequencies.
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Nice song...

I think what the fellows are hearing (maybe I'm wrong) is not conflict between the kick/bass, but between the guitars/bass... the overlap is near 200Hz, like Chris suggested. If you think about it, the kick drum doesn't stick around long enough to muddy up anything--even the ambience on it.

Try a HPF (high-pass filter) set somewhere between 150-200Hz on the guitars, and see if that doesn't tighten things up. You may want to go as high as 250, but beware the guitars becoming too thin.

And also, just expressing a difference of opinion here: cut the BASS guitar instead of the KICK between 80-100Hz if you're concerned about any conflict between them.

