Genelec 1031A Question


New member
Ok I love these moniters for thier accuracy and field depth. The panning accuracy is amazing, the stero field as they call it... but man I can only stand listening to them for about two hours max. Sometimes it is painful after one hour of mixing. I don't listen to these that loud... I sware my ears ring more then they ever have before. They feel like they must just be ripping the crap out of my ears. I am almost scared of them. It is like they are to good.

Anyone else have similar probelms with genelec speakers? I know mixing fatigue is commonplace, but what about ringing in the ears or tinitus after mixing with your moniters!
They had those nearfeild Genelecs at a studio I was in once and I felt like the treble was physically cutting thru my ears! After leaving the studio (was there for about 5 hours) everything sounded 'dull'.