Gear suggestions


New member
I'm currently in the process of building a studio in my basement. I'm in the middle of the framing process right now:) It's not something that's going to be rediculous...I only do this as a hobby. Probably gonna have a main live room w/wood floors and an isolated control room. Then I'll add some acoustic treatments, etc.

Anyways, here's a list of gear I currently use/have:

Old PC running Logic Platinum (runs fine - recording in 48k)
MOTU 1296
Rack of API 512c pres
Blue Baby Bottle
Bunch of SM57's
Pair of AKG c1000s (use for drum OH's)
Art Pro VLA compressor
dbx 166xl compressor

I'm considering:
1. A pair of Purple Audio 1176's
2. Stereo Distressor w/Brit Mod
3. Drawmer 1968 Mercenary Edition stereo comp w/pair of AKG 414's
4. New 2.7Ghz Mac Pro w/Logic Pro or Protools LE, etc
5. Peluso 2247LE mics (pair?) or 2251's etc.
6. Apogee Rosetta w/Big Ben

Anyways, my heads hurting from all the research I'm doing and I need some good suggestions/input. I can mix & match, etc. I probably don't want to spend more than $3500. Thanks!
You have decent mics, pres, and interface.
I'd get a compressor. The ones you have are not all that great.
Probably go for the the 1176's or Distressors.
What are you recording? Personally, I'd want a broader mic selection. C414s would be good. Maybe an RE20.

I agree your compressors are low-end, but I'd go for mics first.

Also, what monitors? And, set aside some of that money for acoustic treatment first.

Monitors and acoustic treatments aren't a problem...are planning out for them in the future as things progress. Right now I use a pair of powered Event 8" (forget the model#). I'd like to check out the new NS-10 type powered guys by Yamaha (I think they use 8's now).

Anyways, I can go with RNC's and skip on the really expensive compressor options at this point (if you think I shouldn't invest the money in the expensive ones).

Basically I am using a chunk of money to buy a few pieces or piece of really expensive gear I can't otherwise save for (for a while into the future).

Wow you have some nice stuff for a hobbiest! O'm trying hard too feel your pain :D

I'd go for some more mic selection on the ldc's. Never used a baby bottle, but I know it's supposed to be pretty un-colored.
You may want to go for a tube ldc and a ribbon. What are you doing for kick?


For my kick I use a DDrum trigger to an Alesis module. I like triggering. For my toms I use 57's (had a bunch around), but again, for me to pick up a few audix mics or a sure kick drum mic, etc isn't the end of the world. A few hundred here and there I can plan out for, etc. Not multi-thousands, etc.

tarnationsauce2 said:
You have decent mics, pres, and interface.
I'd get a compressor. The ones you have are not all that great.
Probably go for the the 1176's or Distressors.

Yeah, everybody keeps telling me the 1176's have THE sound and can be used on tracking for everything but that the distressor is much more versatile... But I guess IF I really want the 1176 sound, why emulate it, right? Or is it TOO much of a good thing, etc...?
The Drawmer 1968 and AKG C414's seems like a good plan. That covers both areas where you could do with some improvement.

You might want to just kind of work your way down your list. Hopefully this won't be the last gear purchase you ever make!
sbcgroup2 said:
For my kick I use a DDrum trigger to an Alesis module. I like triggering. For my toms I use 57's (had a bunch around), but again, for me to pick up a few audix mics or a sure kick drum mic, etc isn't the end of the world. A few hundred here and there I can plan out for, etc. Not multi-thousands, etc.

Know what you mean. I would be buying something I couldn't normaly afford too if I was in your shoes. It's that once a year tax return purchase type of thing.

The higher end stuff seems to hold value better too. If you bought a nice used peice you could likely sell it later for the same if you wanted. New doesn't quite work that way ;) You are assuming some risk though going used.

Wish I still got tax returns :(

Have fun making up your mind :D I hate that.


Basically it boils down to this: If I don't NEED it and can do the same type of thing with like a pairs of RNC's or something, then I won't bother spending the money on the 1176's, etc.

Same on the extra mics, etc.

I also don't care about re-sale...I like to keep things I buy.

I'll spend the big money every now and then if it will really help, etc.
I'm leaning tward the compressors and you might consider a nice dual channel parametric eq. I know the eq can be done in the box, but it's so much easier to sweep for frequencys with zero latency. Plan to get a nice 2 channel unit some day my self.

Just a thought.

sbcgroup2 said:
The 2 Purple Audio 1176 units? The Distressor stereo EL8x + whatever? Or the stereo Drawmer w/ the 2 AKG 414's?

That's a question for someone else :o I agree if the RNC's would work fine I'd get them. I wouldn't spend the extra just for the sake of it, but I have no expieriance with these units so I'd be blowing smoke to say which one. I have a dbx but do most of my compression in the box with Waves and VC64. If I needed to compress my vocals going in I would put a better comp on my to buy list, but I don't have that issue. When I'm rich I'll get an outboard mastering set up that will include the best compression money can buy:D

If you want compression on the 2 buss, then the Drawmer is probably your best choice. It is more flexible than the Distressor and the 1176 in that regard. If you want a comp primarily for tracking, then the 1176 or the Distressors may be of greater interest to you. While the Drawmer is also fine for tracking as well (especially with the Big switch), it doesn't have quite as much color as the 1176 or the Distressor. Personally I like the Drawmer a lot and opted to buy one when I had to make a similar decision - but then I also don't go for the completely nuked sound in my recordings. My other comps are a couple RNCs, a Compellor, a Peavey VC/L-2 opto compressor, and an API 525. The Drawmer is also a pretty good bargain in terms of price.
sbcgroup2 said:
The 2 Purple Audio 1176 units? The Distressor stereo EL8x + whatever? Or the stereo Drawmer w/ the 2 AKG 414's?

why 2 purples or 2 distressors? why not one of each?
FALKEN said:
why 2 purples or 2 distressors? why not one of each?

Looks like he's only looking at 1 stereo distressor.
The purple is a single channel isn't it?
I'd want a pair too if I was going to use them in mixing down or with overhead etc.
If I was only going to use them for vocals & snare, kick etc. I'd mix it up too.
Something as nice as he's looking at though I would want to try mixing down through.


Since I found the stereo distressor for ~$2700, I'm not gonna bother with entertaining the 1176's.

Also, since I wanted to upgrade my drum OH's, perhaps I should get a matched pair of Josephson c42's instead of the 414's. The seem like they would do a better job with recording the acoustic guitar thing too (after all the reading I've been doing). I just thought it would be cool to have a matched pair of large diaphragm mics - for room ambiance or stereo mic'ing stuff.

The main reason I want a stereo compressor is because I'm gonna be using it on the drum OH's.... and maybe on the guitar cabs....
sbcgroup2 said:
Since I found the stereo distressor for ~$2700, I'm not gonna bother with entertaining the 1176's.

Also, since I wanted to upgrade my drum OH's, perhaps I should get a matched pair of Josephson c42's instead of the 414's. The seem like they would do a better job with recording the acoustic guitar thing too (after all the reading I've been doing). I just thought it would be cool to have a matched pair of large diaphragm mics - for room ambiance or stereo mic'ing stuff.

The main reason I want a stereo compressor is because I'm gonna be using it on the drum OH's.... and maybe on the guitar cabs....

Well being able to get a matched set for the same price as one 414 is certainly nice! They sure seem to have good reviews for use as OH's and on several other applications.
And just think how much more stable your stands will be;)
The things look bullit proof too!
