GEAR qeustion???please help


New member
Hey whats up I have $150 to spend im trying to start home recording. I have a good computer that is very fast. It is windows Xp. I know im on a budget but could you give me advice on what to buy to start off i was thinking maybe

and this

or should i buy a mixer instead of a pre amp or should i get a diff mic im trying to recive the best qauilty i can for $150


If you could get $200 you're on a little better track.

You could get an Audio Buddy and a SP B1.

You still need to get a way to get your signal onto your computer, too. Look for a sound card upgrade in the future (for now you can probably just use the "line in").
I think the answer to your question depends in part upon your recording goals. Do you want to record a single vocalist, a full jazz ensemble, or anything in between?

I went for something similar to the SP B1 and audiobuddy setup recommended by C.Dawn because I only need to record a single vocalist for hobby-type projects.
beat amateur said:
I think the answer to your question depends in part upon your recording goals. Do you want to record a single vocalist, a full jazz ensemble, or anything in between?

I went for something similar to the SP B1 and audiobuddy setup recommended by C.Dawn because I only need to record a single vocalist for hobby-type projects.

Hey do u got good qauilty ? can i here your music if u got a link
i dont wanna make beats ima rap over comercail industy beats and hey i want the best qauilty witch pre amp is better qauilty