Gear League Tables?


New member
Sometimes you just cant work out as a newbie the scale of things as far as gear goes. When you want to upgrade gear there is nothing definitive to work towards. Not in writing anyway. What are peoples opinion on certain types of gear? Where would they fit in the great scheme of things? Would Behringer always be fighting the drop at the end of the season? Are Neve Pre-amps always unchallenged at the top of the table? Pre-amps is a good example; observe:

1: Neve
2: SSL
3:Great River
9: Focusrite Trackmaster
13: Behringer Ultragain

Or whatever... What are peoples opinions on .. mics? Soundcards? FX units? Digital SIABs? Can winners clearly be defined? Where does a newbie go to when he wants to move up a rung of the ladder. Any opinions?

Sorry if this post seems a bit of a twattish idea. Its one of those 'seemd good at the time' posts.
