gay looking bass

Since when were guitars and basses considered "heterosexual", I think it is discriminatory and rude not to consider at least some guitars and basses gay.

BTW got any video of those lesbian geeetars :D
And if you check out the links.....even the record company (which he incidentally runs and owns) are giving him shit about the bass. I think it would be a bigger impact if somebody like "SLAYER" started using guitars and basses like that!
I have a piece of crap Yamaha gee-tar thats bisexual and I think my Fender bass is a hermaphrodite......I really, really need spell-checker.....
The thing's got metal flake finish, lipstick pickups and a pick guard shaped like an anal probe...and you think that's gay? :D
But back to my question...HAS ANYONE EVER HEARD OR PLAYED ONE OF THESE. Come on, step forward, no time for macho antics here, or are people too embarassed to play this thing??? I promise if people step forward and say they've played it I will not make any sarcastic comments regarding your sexuality!!!

Link said:
But back to my question...HAS ANYONE EVER HEARD OR PLAYED ONE OF THESE. Come on, step forward, no time for macho antics here, or are people too embarassed to play this thing??? I promise if people step forward and say they've played it I will not make any sarcastic comments regarding your sexuality!!!


Don't you hate it when you know that you have a picture of something, but you can't find it? Arrghh.

I have such a bass. It was put out by Sears at one time. I've had it since I was 8 years old, and I have a photo of me playing it at that age (on a skateboard and wearing pajamas :p), but I think that my brother has the pic. I'm going to his house tomorrow and I'll ask him to hand it over so I can scan and post it.

The original Danelectro Longhorn basses with the famous "lipstick" tube pickups were a budget bass in the sixties. They achieved some use and noteriety with pro bands/players and the originals became collectable and hard to find.

They are now being made again. I have not played one but they are known for a distinct sound kind of a one trick pony. Many were used in C&W recordings for "tic-tac" bass were the bass line of an upright bass was doubled an octave above (often with the Danelectro with heavy gauge guitar strings). This was originally done to help the bassline to be heard on the cheap AM radio's wich had very poor bass reproduction and was the most popular music source of the day.

They typically have little or no sustain and are kind of "thuddy" like an upright although with todays electronics and effects they are probably more versatile in types of sounds you can get out of them. I personally would not want one for my only bass but it could be usefull for somethings.

Hope this helps
Link said:
But back to my question...HAS ANYONE EVER HEARD OR PLAYED ONE OF THESE. Come on, step forward, no time for macho antics here, or are people too embarassed to play this thing??? I promise if people step forward and say they've played it I will not make any sarcastic comments regarding your sexuality!!!


Yes, I have heard and played one of these basses.
i could be wrong, but REM also is playing Danelectro. in their latest video, i think it was on like a month back, they all had danelectro. they had daneclectro guitars & basses. and since we are on the subject of danelectro....does anyone like their pedals? all i've seen are those small things that IMHO sound like shit.
Dan electro makes some good pedals...but you have to find out which ones they are. Some stink and some are good.
First of all, I would not call any Danelectro guitar or bass "gay" looking.

If you want a "gay" looking guitar, check out the guitar that PRINCE plays.

The Danelectro "Longhorn" bass is weird, strange maybe, but not "gay" looking... I don't think.

I have 3 newer Danelectro guitars, including the DC12, the 12-string electric model. I assume the DC is a 6-string model. "DC" stands for "double cutaway", and I don't see anything gay about that.

The Danelectro DC(6) should be a fine playin' guitar, and I say 'go for it'.

I know my Danelectro DC12, Innuendo, and Innuendo-12 are super-fine-playin' guitars, and well worth the money. I've gotten some great deals at Guitar Center, w/the DC12 for $279, the Innuendo for $169, and the Innuendo-12 for $199. These Danelectros are some sharp, fine playin' guitars, and are well worth the money.

In most cases, Danelectro is really going for a sparkle-flecked, bright-colored 'retro' look, and yes, some of the pink, green or purple glitter-flecked colors are not too attractive.

Other of Danelectro's more subdued color schemes are quite attractive. I have a DC12 that is black/white [no glitter], an Innuendo (6) which is a super-sharp dark blue, sparkle-flecked, sunburst finish, [trust me, it's sharp]. My Innuendo-12 is a bright orange sunburst finish, no glitter. This is sharp, too.

The Danelectro guitars I have, I'm very happy with. Until Y2K, I only bought or recommended Ibanez guitars, but I'm very happy w/my Danelectro guitars, and now recommend them too. For the price and quality, you can hardly beat Danelectro or Ibanez.

Was that a 'really gay' answer, or not?

:D :D :D