Garage Conversion


New member
I have just had permission to use my garage as a studio. It is a normal sized single garage. Obviously i'll need to change the door.

i also have a concrete floor which i know i'll need to do something with but what is the best option for me.

i will be recording mostly acoustic instruments and the room will be used for tracking and mixing.

any methods you know which have been used before in grages or any poiners i need to be careful of would be most appreciated.

many thanks
It all depends on what you have to work with and your goals. If noise, either coming in or going out is a priority, then you definetly need to learn about "isolation" construction, and its implications. You can start with these garage "studio" isolation strategys. Go here, and do some reading. There are tons of informative threads regarding garage transformations. The most difficult part is figuring out EXACTLY what you your goal is and how to meet it. :confused:
hanx for the link. couln' find anything on this forum to help me on this but hopefully ther'll be something there.

yeah isloation is not a problem. Only occasional drums will be played so they neighbours will have to lump i for an hour 2 on hose occasions lol.

it is purely the acoustal poblems that i need help on.

1. the floor

2. rectangle room

3. half he stairs kind of go into the garage. its a bit strange as he stairs aren't actually in the room but gives he room a strange shape in pne corner. but will give me a place for a computer store.

when people go up he stairs i makes quie a bit of noise (possible solution???)