Garage Band drums


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How do i get new samples to use when recording drums via musical typing in garage band.

or how do i use the samples i already have.
what do you mean how do you use them? you mean replace the samples in the kit? you can't do that... i don't think

how do you record midi? be mores specific.
so, i just open garage band and go track>new track> software instrument.

then i open the musical typing keyboard and hit record and play and record that way.

i just want different sounds.
buy jam packs,

or buy logic i donno.

i think you can do something with something called "sound font instruments" anybody?
It was tedious, but I was able to patch in drum set samples that I bought on the internet (can't remember where) that came with a .exs file (the descriptor file for the EXS24 sampler, part of which is "under the hood" in Garage Band.

I'll try and remember what I did - I think I found instructions on the internet, but can't now. Basically, I went into the Library/Application Support/Instrument Library/ and messed with some stuff there.

in Sampler/, there are two folders - "Sampler Files" and "Sampler Instruments" -- Sampler Files had the actual samples, so I created a new directory there and put in all the wav files (or aif, or whatever they are), then in the Sampler Instruments folder, I put the .exs file (e.g. mydrumset.exs or whatever).

Then... um... back in Plug-in Settings, I think I went into the Drum Sets directory and made a copy of one of the .pst files -- say Rock Kit.pst and called it, for example, mydrumkit.pst (you have to authenticate to make changes to some of these folders -- it may be a better idea to do all this in the Library directory that's under your home directory, but I dunno).

In the copy, mydrumkit.pst in this example, I edit with an editor like vi from the command line -- looks like a bunch of garbage characters for the most part, because it's a binary file, but in there is a text string reference to the corresponding .exs file -- maybe "Rock Kit.exs" -- I change that to the name of the new exs file. Somehow, the EXS24 engine is smart enough to take it from there, but I never fully understood how.

Anyway, back in Garage Band, I go to the Rock Kit instrument and (here's where I get really fuzzy, and I'm at work so I can't see the application) edit the instrument somehow, exposing a drop list that corresponds to the list of .pst files in that "Drum Kits" directory -- the new one shows up, hopefully, so I pick it and save the instrument under a different name, like "My Drum Kit"

voila -- it's fool proof! :D