Further along with this - feedback welcome


Mitakuye Oyasin
I posted a more raw version of this a month or two ago - I'm a little further along with it now. It's a vehicle for me and a friend to cut loose on (gtr) - he won't have time to get to his lead part for a few more weeks so I need to shelve it temporarily so I can work on some other stuff. If you have a minute - just listen to the first 45 seconds or so and offer feedback on any glaring mix/level issues - or anything else. The level of the gtr in the right speaker drops right at the modulation to D as this is where the first solo part will begin.

Thanks in advance.

Nice tune, good mix with a good tone.

Listening on headphones, the guitar panned right is really prominent. Too loud or too bright and it's distracting for me (even after 45s) and throws the balance off.
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