funkin' it up old school


New member
My lead singer and I were sitting around the studio awhile back when we started pulling out tunes we had written years ago.we had so much fun goofing around with this one we decided to lay it down.It still has a few wrinkles,but I was listening to it today and thought I would post it.It is called "Tit for Tat".Click here to go to the page with the mp3.Enjoy and have a great day!
Thanks,Mr soundman.
I think you are right about the end fade now that I have listened to it again.

Have a great day!
boy...this takes me back to some sessions I did in the 80's...complete with mini moog sound, clav, percusive gtr.... Nice sounds
aside from the "wrinkles", it's a dandy.
Thanx,mixmkr.I guess Ray and I are showing our age with this one.I think we are going to re-cut it soon.I had a complete system failure about 3 weeks ago that took out my mobo,hd and basically the whole damn computer.I just wanted to re-cut the vocals,but I found out today that the cdr I had backed all the wav and session files to is corrupt.ARRRGGH!
I just wanted to see if anyone actually liked the tune before we spend the time to redo it.I thiught the sound might be too dated,but I am starting to hear some of the old sounds coming back around.Kinda like clothes and everything else,wait long enough and the old styles come back around every so many years!

Have a great day!
pretty funky.

the first thing that immediately stuck out was the lack of ambience in the instruments, those two that were panned left and right. Some ambience patches from your reverb should fix that.

the singer has great talent. I really like the vocal chain and the delivery. Good job there.

pretty interesting tune.

funk on!

It is amazing what one can learn by turning a mix over to others with experienced ears.

I forgot to mention that was the singer that did all the keyboard work too.I had been playing in the band with him for about 8 months before I even knew he could play.He just showed up at the studio with them one day.I just played the guitar and cell phone on this one.