Funk, Groove, Jazz & Soul...


New member
Here's a song I recorded for a bunch of friends of mine. We had very basic tracking e.g. 4 drums mics - kik, snare and 2 o/h, band played live together, only the vocals were overdubbed later.

Here 'tis:
Inner City Blues


I almost passed this by...
It would have been my loss!

Sounds absolutely great! I can't believe it is a live thing. (sans Vocals that is).

I'll have to listen about 100 times before I make any complaints, I can't stand still long enough to type!

Makes me wanna hollah !


Tom (tmix)
Very nice.... both playing and mixing. catchy tune!

Only thing that came to mind while I listened was when you go to the "Make me wanna holla"...i kept hearing the high hat dry and up front in my mind....maybe do the vocals the same way...just for that seems to tighten things up when you do that...not that this song needs much tightening.

Great Job.
Nice tune, 20 years earlier and it would had hit potential :) I guess it's real fun to see you guys live :)


- Ulli -
Too much, man!

Aawww, make me wanna pack up my DAW and gear and put it all on e-bay, man!

Very, very, nice. Smokin'.

Hope I can get to that level before I have greatgrandkids.
wow i love it
i can hear the great talent put into the playing of the instruments
and the recording and mixing wow
Nice work, man...the vocals sit extremely clear in the mix. I'm so accustomed to hearing the heavy bass line that I missed it in this mix, although it very well could be the speakers (work) that I'm listening on. Overdubbing on the vocals to create the harmony was nice and smooth. Drum track was straightforward, hats were pretty subdued from what I could hear.

Overall this was a real nice listen.


Wow!!!, I´m really impressed with your work. Great tracking. The voice seems to me a little loud, you could bring it back a bit. Dig the guitars & sax. Very cool