Full Band Recording


New member
Just wanting to ask peoples advice on recording my band which I am doing in 2 weeks. We have all my gear aswell as hiring some good quality mics for the weekend. The gear we will have is:

Tascam 788
Spirit Portfolio Mixer
Shure SM57
AKG C3000
Sennheiser 818
Shure PG58 x4
Realistic Stereo Condenser Mic
Sennheiser Headphones x2
Headphone Amp
Graphic EQ
Monitors + Amp

There might be something I've forgotten but that's the main mics and stuff.

Anyway - we're planning to record a couple of songs in as good quality as possible. We have just 1 guitar, bass, vocals and drums in the band. We're a rock band.
Just wondering if anyone has any advice / tips on recording. We don't want to do a live recording as we've tried it before and it didn't sound too great. We want to record a track at a time using overdubs.
The Bassist will be DI'ing through a Behringer Bass V-Amp and the guitarist will want to mic up his marshall stack with a Boss ME-50 between the amp and guitar.
How many mics should we use on drums? I was thinking the stereo condenser as an overhead, sm57 on snare and one of the others on bass drum.
Any help will be gratefully recieved.
I really hate to dissapoint you, but have you guys considered to go to a decent studio?
Han said:
I really hate to dissapoint you, but have you guys considered to go to a decent studio?
Yep Han is right, since it is just two songs it is not gonna cost you much if you go to a studio. Anyway if you are planning to do it yoruself, make sure sound doesnt bleed and try to isolate every instrument as much as possible if they are playing at the same time. Also dont over do the effects :)
we really really can't afford a studio. and when we say a couple that's the absoulte minimum we want to record. we're hiring mics cheap off a friend (£8 for the weekend for an SM57 and C3000). as we're only 16 we really can't afford to spend much.