Full Automation with X32 and X-ADAT to HD24?


Black Knights of the 4H.
I am contemplating the X32 w/ the X-ADAT Expansion Card.

Here's my question:
Does the X32 have the capability to do MixDown Automation?

More specifically and currently, I am using an old Mackie 32x8 Analog Board with an Alesis HD24. Mixdowns can be a hassle with all the fader "moves" channel mutes and efx .. blah blah.

I want to be able to use the X32 with X-ADAT with the LightPipes In and Out to the HD24 for complete mixdowns -- this eliminates the need of audio cables and the boards Mic Pres for MixDown too, right?

So ---
1. does the X32 have the capability to do Fully Automated Fader moves and all that stuff for a mixdown in this configuration?

2. will I need any additional hardware for syncing for automation?

Thanks in advance.

but add in a computer whose recording software features automation, configured in mackie control or HUI mode, with the X32 as the control surface, and the X32 faders will move on playback to follow the software automation curves. but this setup begs the question, why use the ADAT?
... or why use the X32 -- if I were to move to a software based scheme.
was just hoping I could figure a way of getting automation with a board in my current scheme.
can get the X32 at cost.. oh well.
crap! that's pretty much what I thought.

thanks for the reply.
The x32 only has scene automation. It won't do any gradual changes, it will just snap to the next scene. That would be fine for mutes and even some other things, but it will not let you ride a vocal or anything like that.