Full Automation with X32 and X-ADAT to HD24 -- Possible?


Black Knights of the 4H.
I am contemplating the X32 w/ the X-ADAT Expansion Card.

Here's my question:
Does the X32 have the capability to do MixDown Automation?

More specifically and currently, I am using an old Mackie 32x8 Analog Board with an Alesis HD24. Mixdowns can be a hassle with all the fader "moves" channel mutes and efx .. blah blah.

I want to be able to use the X32 with X-ADAT with the LightPipes In and Out to the HD24 for complete mixdowns -- this eliminates the need of audio cables and the boards Mic Pres for MixDown too, right?

So ---
1. does the X32 have the capability to do Fully Automated Fader moves and all that stuff for a mixdown in this configuration?

2. will I need any additional hardware for syncing for automation?

Thanks in advance.