FS/FT: Lucid ssg192 master studio clock / sync generator


New member
Hey all,

I bought this awhile back when I thought I was going to do more audio for video/film work... i love having it in my rack, it really makes my setup sound amazing--syncing my da7 digital mixer and motu 2408 to it, but for now i think it is a bit overkill for my setup and i could really use the money for some more microphones or for more acoustic treatment. I could get away with the smaller lucid clock generator for now at least.

I won't give a huge description of it here, you can find all about it online or on lucid's website. This is the big daddy master clock generator. Its used but works perfectly. it has some rack wear (scratches) but nothing too bad.

these retail for $1500 and commonly go for $1200 on the street so I'll let this go for $800. I'll be putting it up on ebay if it doesnt go here.... check 'the good guy thread' for positive feedback on my name. also, i have 100% rating on ebay (id: photoresistor).

thanks guys, let me know if you have any questions.

EDIT: oh yeah, and however unlikely this is, if anyone has a soundelux u195 mic they want to unload ill consider trading possibilities...

I'm feeling happy and i could really use the money now so ill drop the price to a rock bottom $700 for you guys on HR BBS before I give up on here and list it for $800 on Ebay. Just to spell it out thats a savings of $500... if it doesnt go in 2 days its off to the bay.