Frustration with SBLive!


New member
My chance to start a thread... nyahahaha!

Anyway, my problem is this. I bought an SBLive about a year ago because I wanted a nice stable card for windows/games etc, to run alongside my pro-audio(ish) Midiman 2044 and Turtle Beach Tropez. For a while this was all well and good, until I actually tried to record audio. Whilst the other two cards seem to work fine together, sync and all, the SBLive won't even play back at the same speed it records! I've come to this conclusion after a year of experimentation in Cakewalk pro audio. I don't necessarily expect it to run at the same speed as the other cards, but I don't think it's too much to ask to run at the same speed as itself.

I came to this conclusion by recording the signal from the SB out back into the SB in - playing original and rerecorded sound at once results is immediate phasing, and audible repetition of sounds after about thirty seconds.

It cost alot of money, and the sound is OK, I like soundfont etc, so I would like to be able to use it - has anyone else had a similar problem? Has anyone been able to solve the problem? If so, please let me know!