Fruity Loops


New member
Can anyone tell me how to use Fruity Loops with Cakewalk PA8? My set-up is this: 450MHz Pentium III, 128 MB RAM, SB PCI 64D.
fruity loops and home studio

you didn't say what problems you were having specifically, but i have fruity loops and cakewalk, so i'll tell you what i know.

the songs, or beats, or whatever, that i do in fruity loops, i first save as a wave file or mp3 within the fruity loops application. then when i'm in cakewalk, i select an empty audio track, then go to import audio in the FILE pull-down. then i find the mp3 or wave that i converted from my fruity loops song and import it to the track i selected. let me know if this works for you...
gamma ray,

Fruity Loops was suggested to me, by a couple people, as a way to achieve better drum sounds. I haven't gotten it yet - I want to make sure it will work for me before I buy it. I don't know hardly anything at all about it. Your reply was just the sort of thing I was hoping for.

You indicated that you can do songs in Fruity Loops - is that correct?

Is it strictly digital audio? Or can you do midi with it, as well?

Where is a good place to get it? And are there different versions of it? Which one do you have? And which version of Cakewalk do you use?
fruity loops 3

1. drum sounds

there are about 1000 sampled drum sounds, some electronic and some live samples. there are also built in drum kits. the sound of a given part of your drum kit (snare, kick, etc.) can be tweaked with effects.

2. songs in fruity loops

you can build a set of instruments in fruity loops, and then use the sequencer to turn on and off when each instrument plays, and thus build a song. there are demos you can listen to, and a myriad of synthesized and ambient sounds to choose from.

3. i use home studio 2002, and after i finish my fruity loops part, i import the wave or mp3 fruity loop conversion to an audio track.

4. you can save the fruity loops song as a midi file, but i haven't found out how this is helpful in the context of home studio. the wave and mp3 conversions work fine.

hope this helped!
Yes, it was very helpful. I am indebted to you.
I really can't wait to try it. I am SO frustrated with those crappy cardboard toms on the SB PCI 64.
fruity loops

let me know if you have anymore fruity loops questions. i'm much better at fruity loops than cakewalk....
Re: fruity loops

gamma ray said:
let me know if you have anymore fruity loops questions. i'm much better at fruity loops than cakewalk....

yeah me too. Been using Fruity for a over a year now.

sibleypeck said:
Can anyone tell me how to use Fruity Loops with Cakewalk PA8? My set-up is this: 450MHz Pentium III, 128 MB RAM, SB PCI 64D.

There is no easy way to work with Fruity Loops and the old PA software. Fruity loops can export audio in the ACID WAV format which means you can adjust the tempo of an audio loop.

Only Sonar and HS2002 support ACIDized WAV files. I'd upgrade to something newer than PA8. PA8 is just plain ancient.

I'm not sure I understand your post. If you are you offering to help me, thank you. I am certain I will have many questions.


I would love to upgrade to SONAR. There is a problem, though.
I hate to admit it, especially on this forum, but someone gave me PA8 - I am not a registered owner.

I can't put a lot of money into software and equipment right now. The only thing I've bought is a half-way decent mic.
Next on the list is a pair of studio monitors (Yorkvilles), which I intend to order today, and then, a mic pre and compressor (probably something on the order of a dBx 376).

If Fruity Loops won't work with PA8, do you know of another way I could get decent drum sounds? (right now, I am using the drums that come on SB PCI 64D).
In search of samples i found some decent and not so decent ones at

In Fruity depending on your version, go to the Sample Browser,
Packs, Real Drum Kit or Vintage. Theres a couple of nice toms in there.

When I get home tonight I'll email a few samples if you want real ones. Remind me.


Thanks for the link. I'll check it out tomorrow, when I'll be able to devote some time to it.


I am so glad you told me about PA8's inability to support ACIDized .wav files. I would have been very upset had I bought Fruity Loops and then found out I couldn't use it as expected.
I'll check into Home Studio 2002. Thanks.
Tom Hicks,

Thank you for the samples. It was very generous of you.
I downloaded all your toms.
I am working on my first project, in PA8, and have written MIDI drums. Is there a way to replace what I've written with your samples?
thanks tom for posting ur sounds.

...but , i sent a clip to a friend..and he sasid they "sound fake and cheesy" ....course, i dunno whats up with this guy..he's wierd. ;)

but..does anyone have some more samples?

does anyone know how to record the playback of something?
Like...hmm......i dunno how to describe it.
Say U play a wav, and wanna record it while ur playing it....anyone? :) (w/o quality loss)....but dont say "just copy the wav" cuz its not a wav source, i'm just givin an example cuz i can't think of any other thing! :-D
Record the playback??

I record the playback of FruityLoops to an external hard disk recorder. I run the output of the soundcard to the input of the recorder.

Does this answer your question?

Something good on the horizon for Fruity. Fruity 3.5 will be out in the next 2-4 months and the main new feature is Fruity as a VSTi. Yes you can open and run Fruity as a VSTi inside Cubase or Logic etc. Hopefully the fxPansion wrapper will handle the Fruity VSTi then we can use it in Sonar. The creators of Fruity are working at porting one of their VSTi synths (DX-10 i think) to DXi and this goes well they will try to port Fruity to DXi.

This would be wonderful!! Think of it like rewire for Fruity. Keep an eye out.

The other thing you can do with fruity is import soundfonts, thus expanding the available menu of sounds by a zillion. I think you need a seperate upgrade for this though.