Fruity Loops Question?


New member
Okay, so I download some of the samples from the links in the other fruity loops thread.

Now how do I inport them into FruityLoops? Can I do this on the demo version?

Also, when I program a loop(s) that I like, how do get it to n-track? Can I do this with the demo version?

Or am I gonna have to have a private chat with bongo?:)
Hey Sam, try this:

Click on the button corresponding to the channel you want to change (for example, click the C_Kick button) to get the channel's settings. Make sure the SMP button on the Channel settings box is pressed, then click the little folder icon that is underneath it. This will bring up a standard file dialog box where you can point Fruity Loops to open a sample you have downloaded.

You can also copy the samples into FruityLoops samples directory (ie c:\apps\FruityLoops\samples). You will recognise the directory structure from the sample browser in FL.

Is this helpful?

That definately helped. O.K. so now I know how to get samples into FL.
Say I have a killer loop, that I want to export to n-track, can I do that on the demo? And if so ,how?

thanx in advance.:)
OK, the demo version allows you to export everything you've done. You just can't save the ideas half as long as you can program everything in one sitting, (or don't close fruity loops and leave your computer on) you basically have all you need.

Go to file menu--->export-----> choose the one you want.

I don't use the midi way, so someone else has to help you with that.

The easiest way I think, is to export as wavs. If the drums are already sounding exactly how you like them, mixed and effects and all, then just go to the wav option and choose a stereo file. It bounces to disk, then you simply need to import that way into ntack.

If you want to do some more to the drums once in Ntrack try this:
Solo out the first channel, ex: the kick drum. Pan it to the center, and turn it up so it's just barely not peaking. The export the wav but choose the option for a mono file.

Then repeat this for every channel. Import each wav into Ntrack, and then you have the drums seperated so you can adjust your mixes, re-eq and add verbs to snares without affecting the other drums . If you want to hear some stuff I did in fruity loops, check out my post on the mixing mastering board.