Fruity Loops Question


New member
I am thinking of registering the Basic version of Fruity Loops but I have some questions about it first. If I create a pattern that contains something like a combination of 7 different drums or cymbals, can I write each drum or cymbal to a separate wave file or does the whole pattern have to go together. I want to be able to mix each drum or cymbal separately in Cakewalk if that is possible.
i got a little idea. once you have your sequence done out. solo each track individually and record that as a wzv if possible.. maybe that would help.. then you can put it all back together in cakewalk.
Thanks for the reply Kristian. What you described is what I wanted to do, I was just wondering if there was anyone who had Fruity Loops and has actually done it. I have a friend from Surrey (Thursley). I went over to visit him about a year ago. It is a nice part of the country.
I don't think it will do it all at once for you. One simple way you could do it is to create the pattern using the 7 different samples and save that as your "master" loop. Then delete all but one track and save that as say "snare track" and export that to wav. Then re-open "master" and delete 6 tracks, leaving say the kick track and so on... To tell you the truth, I've never had a need to want to mix drums outside of Fruity Loops (I'm using n-Track). If i don't like the way my drum tracks sit in my mix, I'll just go back to Fruity Loops and make the necessary adjustments there and then just make a new wav file to bring into n-Track.
FYI if you dont have all the tracks highlighted they wont get written to the master track
just highlight the track u want say snare
and make sure the others dont have the green light go to file and export wave then rinse and repeat, always repeat