Fruity Loops and Hard Disk Recorder question


New member
I am sort of a dummy when it comes to recording anything that isn't self-contained in my trusty Roland VS-1880.

My situation is:

I have a copy of Fruity Loops, which I'd like to use to compose an entire drum part of a particular song. I'd like to get it onto the VS-1880 on 2 tracks in stereo and then record the rest of the tracks over it (guitar, bass, keys, etc.)

What exactly would I need to get this done? Does it go computer--->midi interface--->VS or can it go direct somehow? It was my understanding that MIDI isn't used to send processed signals, only data. I loathe MIDI so I know nothing about it but if someone were to give me a push in the right direction or give me just a little hint on where to start for this particular situation, it would be a big help.

And yes, I have searched here and elsewhere and found next to nothing on my particular quandry.

Thanks in advance.

Ok Let me get this in my mind a bit clearer.....
You want to record the drums from fruityloops and then record live guitar bass etc.?
Or is it all sequenced in fruity and you just want to bring all the sounds into the VS on individual tracks?
If you wish do do the later you would slave your computer to the 1880 via midi and solo the tracks you want to record in and mute the rest and then do it again for all the others.....
if you just want to do the drums just record em in.
Hope I helped a little if I confused let know.
Or I will try ta help you more.
I use a Yamaha AW16G and just import individual wav files in but I not sure you can import wav files in the 1880......
Or is it all sequenced in fruity and you just want to bring all the sounds into the VS on individual tracks?

Correct. I just want to get a FL sequenced drum track on my tracks 1 and 2 in stereo on the 1880.

I figured I would have to hook up the two systems somehow but wasn't sure how to do that, considering most people go through a device like an 1880 into the computer to record in ProTools or something but I'm wanting to do the opposite, record from the computer to the 1880. (and no, you can't import wav files in the 1880)

Hope that clears it up. Not really too concerned with this anymore because....

...after some further thought, I'm seriously leaning towards going 100% computer with FL, Cubase, etc.

I have an extra p4 2.0g, 1024 ram flat screen system just lying around. The 1880's tiny hard-on-the-eyes screen and its limited effects and mixing capabilities are really starting to grate on my nerves. All I need is a new soundcard.

But that's another thread =)
unless you have a good card, you may be better off staying with the VS.....

to get the tracks from the computer to the VS, take the line out from your computer to inputs 1 and 2 of the VS....
Ah yeah!

I agree with sticking to the VS1880!
I have tryed everything on pc mac roland recorders etc.
Its just so much easier if you are just in need to record audio.
Pro tools IMHO is only cool cause the pros have it its not as cool as samplitude nuendo or sonar od even DP4.
But if your likr me and just want to do tracks the VS type machines(I have a Yamaha AW16G) are just much easier to deal with.
ANd On to the main subject.....
Just take the line out of your sound card left to in 1 right to in 2.
Hit record and on the VS and play in fruity, Yeah We got tracks!!!!!
And always always always save your Fruity loops session(back it up).....
Cause you may record something and then go "Oh CRAP! I wish I had done a crash here or a sound there" I have done thta with acid sesions and been pissed.....
Hope we helped and let me know if you have any further questions I do this like every day with a recorder and such.