from tascam 4 track to computer??


New member
is there any way i can like move the 4 channels i recorded (tracks) from my tascam42411 to my computer and then listen to it on the computer ? maybe add effects when its in the computer ?? (since i dont have any effects racks?> )
please let me know if possible and if yes please tell me how ? and wht do i need ?
What kind of soundcard do you have?

You can probably run a cable (2x RCA-->1/8" stereo) from the TASCAM to the soundcard's line in jack and transfer 2 tracks that way. You can add effects and EQ if you have or get some recording software.

The only trick is transferring all 4 tracks. You can either mixdown on the TASCAM and transfer the stereo mix to the computer, or transfer two tracks at a time and sync them once they are all on computer, which isn't particularly difficult although not the best method.

To transfer 4 tracks at a time, you'll need a soundcard or other hardware that supports that.
sounds complicated ...
if i dont have a recording software where do i get one ? like to add effects and stuff and listen to it on the computer ?
If you don't know you probably have onboard sound or a creative labs card, neither of which are good for audio production. You should be able to find out in the device manager (my computer > properties > hardware > device manager).

I would recommend getting an M-Audio Audiophile 2496. You can get these on eBay for around $140.

For software, many people recommend n-tracks or cool edit pro to start out.