From Studio to Hi-Fi


New member
Hi all,

How come when I take my music off my system to a regular mp3 player does it sound like it was recorded in an old tin box? Like boxy and echoy and crap but on the system..sounds good? (relatively)

I am using Sonar X2 with a simple Prodipe Studio 22 Audi Interface and Prodipe studio monitors. Also I use IZotope - Ozone for Mastering presets


Hi all,

How come when I take my music off my system to a regular mp3 player does it sound like it was recorded in an old tin box? Like boxy and echoy and crap but on the system..sounds good? (relatively)

I am using Sonar X2 with a simple Prodipe Studio 22 Audi Interface and Prodipe studio monitors. Also I use IZotope - Ozone for Mastering presets



Dunno Mike!
There is no essential difference between a high fidelity (in the strict meaning of the words) system and a monitoring chain for a studio*. Indeed, many studios used "hi fi " amps and speakers AS their monitors (the Beeb used/uses a lot of Quad amps) . If not for direct, on the floor monitoring due to loudness limits, there really is no more "accurate" speaker even today than the ELS for quality control. (if I had room I would sell the wife!) .

But can I ask a general question? Why are people still pissing about with MP3? Surely the price of storage is now so low that you can archive as .wav? Even on a portable device you can store 100s of tunes as .wav and if you must have more, FLAC.

The only time I crunch things to MP3 is when I attach them here or send an interesting item to my son in France.

*If you suggested, as people do, that major hi fi speaker mnctrs "doctor" their products to "sweeten" the results you would have the design guys of KEF, B&W, Harbeth, Rogers, Spendor, Quad and many others reaching for your throat!

Have you tried burning a CD or using a WAV or AIC file and playing it on different systems? One of the keys to good mixing is to make it sound good on ANY system. As to your problem, how are you converting to MP3? Are you rendering your master mix direct? What resolution MP3 are you using? What are you playing your MP3 through (earbuds, etc)?
Good point Mike about MP3 encoder quality.
I only know two encoders at all well.
The one in Adobe Audition 1.5 and one in Samplitude. Both of these give you the option to go from complete mush to the almost "perfect" (some say!) 320kbps.
Many people may not know about or not have looked for the drop down menus that select such?

Yeah, if you're converting your pristine 88.2/24 into a 96k MP3, it might not sound EXACTLY the same quality. As mentioned, use a quality converter (Freemake is free, just google it). Make sure when you select mp3 you use 256 or 320. Should get decent results.