From bedroom to stage issue


New member
Need the lowdown on samplers, MIDI and sound modules...

I have some trouble figuring out how to bring my tunes to life outside the computer. Right now I'm just using a MIDI controller hooked up to the sound card on my computer, but I'd like to bring some of those sounds with me to band rehearsal, gigs, etc. Maybe you gearheads out there can help me out? And bear in mind, my budget is TIGHT.

Please bear with me on these basic issues:

1: I have a Roland MIDI controller (just 49 keys & MIDI out). If I buy a sound module, can I connect it to the controller, and plug the module straight into the PA? Or do I need something more?

2: Know of any cheap sound modules that allow you to import user samples?

3: ...or would you go for a sampler? Will a cheap sampler with MIDI in trigger the sample only in its original pitch, or allow me to play all octaves? (Again, using only the MIDI controller.)

4: Or should I just bring my entire computer on stage? Does anyone have good/bad experiences with this?

We desperately need advice...thanks in advance!
- B.
Your Roland keyboard controller and a sound module
will work just like you guessed it will. Plug
the module into the amp and you are ready to party.

Bringing computer on stage? Sure, people do it,
but stages are small, musicians can be clumsy
(or drunk!) and computers break easily. Be careful
up there.

I am not aware of any CHEAP modules that can
import user samples.

I personally would go for a Roland JV1010 sound
module. $399 and you are ready to roll right out
of the box. David