From A Cubase3.xx User

Oh ok.

yeah well this is just basic but i have positives and negatives..

on the positives

I can't believe that Reaper Re-wires with Reason actually better than Cubase the transition was less clunky and it's not buggy at all which was weird, but great so for any of you guys out there that like to get those funky beats in and do a bit more with them Great Plus here!<<

little bug when playing the Re-wire back it seemed to play both from Reason and Reaper with the sound getting that phasing sound, but if you Render the track it's not present so it's no issue really ….I cloud have been doing something wrong anyhow.

ok Rendering : I have to be fair, I didn't "load" Reaper up as much as Cubase but the Rendering that I have done so far, is superior it's a matter of a right click and bam it's rendered.

really nice.

The interface is I would say is about the same in usability maybe a little work needed it could possibly be a little more geared towards a Dual screen in mind.

when dragging a Range i would include a vertical line just for accuracy? I’d make the Grid a little stronger (can I do that?)

also I did miss my Quantization option for my snap magnet I like it going to 1/16 1/32 1/64 as well (can I do that?)

Outputs a beautiful and easy maybe too easy I didn't know what to do it was so ready available right there.

it's not superior to Cubase in Outputs or Sidchaining as Cubase has groups and FX tracks now.. But it is as good.


I loaded some crazy DXI into it and it loaded most, but on a few it just straight out closed the whole program, but that could be my computer I will test on a second machine too.

Sound is as Good as I'd work on the set up options a little but it's all there...

I’d consider crossing over (not with john Edwards but) if i could see a performance difference when i loaded it up like on a full Track I’d go for it .. I’ll be doing that soonish and i’ll come back then.

Hope that helps..

Any questions just shoot I’m learning also.
Boot up time is about the same

a little quicker because. remembering that the plugins have to be loaded post boot or on boot.

I really like it.

i'll keep at it when i get time.
Oh also....

A big test for me will be Automation

I searched out and saw straight away the "move lanes with Audio" button I like straight away that it has this option! good work

i haven't tested it yet but.......

I was one of the guys that Badgered the Cubase team way back at 1.4 for the Automation to move with the File.... (i came from Logic and it did this nicely) so it was a big shock for me to not have this:

they tried to ignore me but I annoyed them so much that one of the engineers ended up saying “Look Yes WE know it’s our Biggest issue at the moment and we are working on it” basically but to me it tripled my workload and halved my production.

That was after Logic sold out to Mac and i just brought (built) a PC so i Cross graded to Cubase and never looked back.

They say Logic is just as good now also.

hmm Logic 5.5 that brings back memories......
summary 8 out of 10

i did some basic tests with the automation....

while it takes a little getting use to visually.. it is very good i can bypass and effect every aspect.

and that leads me to the summary:

this program is as good as any system i have used, in some respects actually better!

there is no reason why one could not uses this to create any great record.

apart from very minor visual aspects i give it 8 out of 10.

sound is flawless overall great!

for $40 or $199 unbelievable!

but don't get me wrong it's not good because it's $40 that's just the bonus, it's good because it is a well designed, usable great sounding DAW program.

my only problem ... when the fx are "wrapped" they are inside the FX chain window making them take up more room in the DAW visual environment so a tiny little bit harder to manage, only for me but it's ultimately a non issue.


basically if you want a great program buy it.
Oh one other thing

i'm not sure if Reaper uses DX wrappers... so i don't know how that will effect performance if one is using DX fx a lot.

it could slow down?

and now i think maybe it is being used?

maybe Pipeline can answer this?

i didn't see any performance loss though it must be said.

i'm talking when one is approaching 30+ tracks etc, although i did not try this, this time.

my only problem ... when the fx are "wrapped" they are inside the FX chain window making them take up more room in the DAW visual environment so a tiny little bit harder to manage, only for me but it's ultimately a non issue.

What do you mean by wrapped? Nothing uses a wraper. Have you tried the beta's 2.0 out, its up to beta can float any FX, is that what you mean? Oh and on the dual screens, I have the tracks on my left screen, my mixer, performance meter, media explorer on the right screen. If you have 32 tracks, just make the mixer window bigger, and lose the other stuff. It will stack the tracks and align them all pretty like.

DX effects are supported with out a wraper.
no i'm using 1.888

because i have been busy......

When i say "wrapped" i mean a window FX chain outside the FX.

if this is fixed in 2.0 no prob.

if there are no DX wrappers (different type of wrapper) then how does this effect performance?

also I have an editing issue i can't seem to find an obvious "repeat" or "duplicate" so if i have a range selected along say 6 Bars i hold ctrl select the tracks sections after cutting them front and back with "s" now i want to "repeat" this section in some cases... how too?

if i paste, does some weird and funky things maybe i should be using 2.0?

what if i had a loop and wanted to repeat it say 50 times?

Cubase has still got the edge on these things (i miss some tools like the Scissors) overall i'd say Cubase has an editing visual edge but i mean for $40 who could complain?
Also if you learn it from the start you aren’t looking for things that are ingrained into your work process also.
the blackbay, go to the chatroom theyll help you out there. There are many ways to do the things you want quickly, and also ways you can assign your own macros to do it even easier