free Sound Effects and Samples?


New member
Does anyone know where I can find a website that has royalty-free sound effects and sound samples?

I'm looking for things like crows cawing outside, sleigh bells, ticking know, stuff like that. Where do people find that kind of stuff?
I Googled "free sound effects" and got about 10 pages worth of stuff. Weird, huh????
Does anyone know where I can find a website that has royalty-free sound effects and sound samples?

I'm looking for things like crows cawing outside, sleigh bells, ticking know, stuff like that. Where do people find that kind of stuff?
They search for it on the internet or they record them themselves or they get sound effects CDs from the library.
I had no idea there were sound effect CDs at the library! o-m-g

I suppose it depends where you live. I know here in London, some libraries are pretty useless for that kind of thing, but others have, if not a comprehensive supply, certainly a useful supply.
Sound effects CDs have their uses. I learned a tiger's roar is far more "roary" than that of a lion, for instance.....:eek: :laughings: