Free/Easy to use Voice Alteration software online?


New member
I'm looking fo sort of an all-in-one, with presets, for voice alteration.

It sort of drives me nuts what I hear some people are able to do: change their voice to "granny" like, change it to sound like a "movie preview" guy. It's ridiculous what I hear is possible, and so my question there a program somewhere in Hackerworld that has a good number of presets for these effects? (I already found one called "funny voice;" however, that's just a shifter between sounding like a "chipmunk" and sounding like a "demon," and you can't plug it into a recording program, it just records mp3's seperately and so I dunno.

If you find something in-form of a plug-in that does this, it would have to be compatable with Cool Edit Por, 2.0. (old school, I know, but it works for me!!!).
is there a program somewhere in Hackerworld
You're not going to get any responses for requests for illegally hacked software on this board.

And even if you weren't asking for hacked software, if "free", "easy", "high quality", and "high tech" actually came together in one package for any purpose whatsoever, there'd be no reason for this BBS to exist ;).

Even with the best commercial packages, you need to tweak the settings and signal to get what you want, you just can't push an "easy button" preset and expect decent results. Sometimes what you hear may actually be several effects at once, starting with a pitch shifter, pitch correction, harmonic filtering, etc.

But probably a good place for you to start would be to head over to and so a search on "pitch shift" Then, while you're there you'll probably need a free VST-to-DX wrapper program because most (if not all) of the plugs you'll find for Windows these days will be VST-type and your CEP2 will only accept DX-type plugs.
