FREE amp sim from BlueCat

Bluecat is claiming zero latency which if it's even close to zero and usable sound definitely worth a look though I admit I haven't downloaded or tried yet

I don't see how they can claim such a thing, when it is dependent on your interface and PC.

Nice find though - wonder how it sounds. You get it?
Just downloaded . I haven't tried it yet. The website actually says "No latency" not zero so maybe they are just saying the plugin doesn't have any latency over and above the OS or DAW
Just downloaded . I haven't tried it yet. The website actually says "No latency" not zero so maybe they are just saying the plugin doesn't have any latency over and above the OS or DAW

Post back once you've tried it out? I always like having options for those times when I need a weird/different sound, usually for effects or something odd here or there. This GNX has become my go-to though. Shit, for what I've paid with upgrades/packages, it was cheaper than Amplitube!
It's not bad. I don't have extensive experience with all of the different amp sims, but this isn't bad. It's got a Fender sim and a Marshall sim. The Fender cleans sound fine, and the Marshall crunch sounds fine. Add some effects on the front end, maybe a cab sim on the back end, and you could make this freebie work. There's no reason that someone couldn't create songs with it. And it's dead-simple to use, so that's a plus.
So as is - of course - the correct way to demo a new amp that you know nothing about, I put everything at 7.
Then, so we have a baseline, I compared everything with another popular free amp-sim series also set at 7. (Except master volumes adjusted to more or less match)

Bluecat is the left channel. LePou is the right

Classic drive
View attachment bluecat1.mp3

Modern drive
View attachment bluecat2.mp3

classic clean - this was the hardest to find a matching LP equivalent
View attachment bluecat3.mp3

Cab sims are all NaDir.

The big thing I'm noticing is that the Bluecat sims are more "squashed" overall. There is less dynamic response to the incoming guitar tone, and the noise floor is a lot higher.

Still, it's free. I may hang onto it and experiment with tones on some project.
I have several different amp sims so this was a just for the hell of it download. I am honestly not much into the amp modelers (even though I have IK, Waves, NI, several PI , etc) due to, well I have plenty of amps and mics and am able to crank them as I wish. And sims just don't ever seem to have the dynamics. One thing that has always bothered me about sims was that all of them seem to go over the top in simulated "speaker" noise/hum when gain settings are cranked. While I understand the theory of trying to make it sound like a real amp, to me it's just too much of what I don't really think of as a good thing. That said , these sims seemed to have a much reasonable level of this noise. I didn't experience any difference in latency as compared to other sims, in other words no real latency at buffer settings below 256 in the DAW (Harrison Mixbus) on my I5 laptop through 2I2 and driver buffer setting ~5ms. latency was more noticeable once I added a chorus and reverb plug in, and I had to up the buffer in the engine to avoid clicks with the added plugins, though this is usually the case with that laptop and the focusrite, so not related the bluecat stuff. I haven't tried it on my desktop, or even my I7 laptop or ProTools systems yet, but considering the system I used it on was the slowest one I have I was happy to get usable credible sound from a free sim that I wouldn't hesitate to pull up for an impromptu mobile session where no amp/mic was available. Since Steve had squashed and possibly a noisier experience than I did(apparently) I would say that YMMV depending on your system, DAW , etc.
It's very possible that I just didn't dial in very good tone. I honestly spent 10 seconds setting the BC tones (5 putting everything at 7, and 5 turning the volume down until it stopped clipping!)
It's very possible that I just didn't dial in very good tone. I honestly spent 10 seconds setting the BC tones (5 putting everything at 7, and 5 turning the volume down until it stopped clipping!)

What I got from that was - it takes you 5 whole seconds to turn a knob! It must take you 1 month to finish your guitar bus mix :)

I do like BlueCat chorus though. I use it for my stereo vocal channel that always goes about 10db under my main vocal track.
I like some of the crazy presets in Bluecat chorus. They have some pretty good free stuff overall too.