Four Songs Wrote And Recorded In Four Days No Joke


New member
Why not go to listen to the first four tunes while you read , even check out the video for ordinary quite contrary while your at it!!

Hey all , Trinity Project here again . I had a burst of ambition recently and did up a new four song demo . I wrote 3 of them on the spot ("dont even care" was wrote four years ago) . I spent 4 days tracking , recording , and all that fun stuff , I spent one day on each song. Im pretty happy with the results to be honest . There was a really good article this months EQ mag with Green Day on the cover about not fretting over your mixes so much. It really helped me out and just got me to take a step back and look at what I was doing musically not so much technically.

Anyone I know that records knows their gear top to bottom in and out. We also know the adherant limitations of it too , which we all love to ignore.I know with my set-up I will never in a million years get that million dollar sound unless I get a million dollars. I use Soundcraft and mindcraft , not NEVE and API or a huge SSL console. I guess the point that Im getting across is that we are all capable of making great music which I have witnessed from what I heard on hear. I also know the torment we put ourselves through to try and make it sound commercial.I think a change needs to occur where we get back to the music and less about the image , but of course one person like myself will not start that revolution.Below is a list of gear I used. I used no EQ for tracking that all came after and no amps at all . I do have a jsx 2x12 that I use for gigging but I found that the pod was much more easy to handle.I can mic amps but I pull my hair out doing it.

creamware scope with ultra ad/da 48.8Khz
Soundcraft spirit fx 8
Envoice MKII
Behringer (I know they suck but for minor track comp it does the trick)
Homebuilt pc 2.6 dual core 4 gig mushkin ram radeon 2400 hd ran through split monitors
L.t.d ec 400at
pod xt live using modified super tubes setting
peavey millenium 5 string bass (patched through envoice tube pre amp)
sonar 8 producer
event monitors
mapex drums
shure , akg , samson , audio technica 4033 cl , stuido projects numerous others
vocals went through 4033 in an untreated room.
Actually , there is no sound treatment any where in this house.
Plugins and setting I have been working on for years.

Any other questions shout back , I thought a story behind the music would help you identify with it more.

Critisicms welcome too , I wouldn't be able to make music if the only person that brought me down was me!!!!

Neil Allen
The Trinity Project - Only memeber of the group
The Little Studio - producer , recording tech (I can't bring myself to call myself a recording engineer)
Really good stuff, all around. What's your guitar and amp? Sound great.

Keep going, you do great work.

If there's one piece of advice I would offer, it's to listen to some of the other bands doing this kind of thing...Green Day, Vertical Horizon [the Electric lady record with "Everything you Want" etc] and refine the sounds [bass, drums...the guitars and vox are great...except for tune #2, which loses a bit of sparkle in the vox...which is totally 'there' on the other tracks], mixes, levels and ambiences, to those standards. You're really close to having the 'pro' sound for the genre.

One element missing in the work, that I hear consistently in the headline bands in this genre: Harmonized hooks.

9 of 10. Dude: awsome!
First of all, I don't listen to music like this. I always feel I need to point that out if it's the case, just to give proper context to my comments.

I almost hear more of a Dashboard Confessional sound than Green Day, but whatever, this type of music definitely sells and I'd put yours up against anything similar on the radio any day of the week. Good work.

I definitely agree with Jeff--judicious use of harmonies would take these songs to the next level.
Really good and fitting to this style.
Very good mixing skills. Nice arrangements too and very good songwriting. Keep it up!

Joey :):):):)
Well I really appreciate all that!! I know I need to work on harmonies , the new one has some but I need to raise the levels in them. Harmonizing with yourself is hard I think , but I find using one headphone while doing harmonies really helps (just cup the other one against you cheek to avoid bleed in) . My mixing has really become autonomous lately. Not that I dont do adjustments , but I NEVER do automation , Id rather control with specific compression on split tracks.Everything else is set in place.

Actually , thats something Ide like to see more of in this forum in the mp3 mixing clinic. People should have to describe their techniques and list gear . I would have a totally different opinion of a song considering if it was done with a computer mic or a freaking V studio.I guess in that sense criticisms would be more justified. If someone made a song that sounds like crap using a tascam or pro tools set up and if someone used no preamps and direct into their soundblaster with the same sound I for one would look at it from a totally different angle. Just me blabbing I know I know.

*tweak* *tweak* *tweak*