Fostex R8 Tape and Setup?


New member
Well, After 4 years working with a Yamaha MD8 and figuring out about 1/2 of what it does, I have gone backwards and bought a Fostex R8(brand new in the box never used!).

First, since I am used to the integrated mixer and all the features built in to the MD8. I now need to figure out how to hook up a mixer to the Fostex and make it work similarly to the Yamaha(listeing to pre-recorded material while recording new, effects etc.).

And I need to know about tape as well, the manual to the Fostex recommends Ampex 457, but another musician I know said he uses Ampex 631 on his A4 and its easier to get and costs less. Is there any difference and do you need to readjust the R8 for it?.

Any help in these two areas would be greatly appreciated
