Fostex R8 not erasing properly


New member
Hey guys,

I recently bought a Fostex R8 and had a few issues with it so I got it serviced. It's working pretty well now but I'm finding the machine is not erasing the tape properly. During playback you can hear the remnants of previous takes on that track, although they are soft and quiet they are still there. Any ideas on what I can do about this?

Is the erase head clean? What tape are you using? This can happen if the machine is using a higher output tape than it has been set up for. There should be some trimmers to set the erase power, though.
Pretty sure the erase head is clean, I cleaned everything the other day and also had it serviced. I'm using RMG International SM911 if that means anything to you. Can't seem to find much info around on setting the erase power...
That should be ideal, unless the machine was recalibrated for a lower output tape by the previous owner or something.
Does it do this on all tracks, or just some of them?

The usual trick is to record a section of 1KHz test tone on all tracks, then record silence over it and listen to the output. You can then adjust each track's erase level until all is quiet.

The E8 manual actually has a section on how to calibrate it, but the R8 manual doesn't seem to and I can't work out where the calibration access is, though it's most likely behind the remote panel. The E8 manual says to only adjust the erase level, and not 'Erase ADJ' since it's been set in the factory. It is rather insistent about that so I'd assume there's a good reason not to mess with the other trimmer.
Yeah the guy who sold it to me said that tape was the best for it. That said he also said it was working perfectly which was a load of crap!

Anyway, will check behind the remote panel and see what I can see. Thanks for your help!