Fostex MR8 Internal Mic : dynamic or condenser ?

I've never used it. I haven't even tested it to see what it will sound like.

I don't think it's a condensor. Let me see if I can find the specs on it in the manual...
There is nothing in the manual covering the specs of the internal mic. But I am almost certain it's not a condensor mic.
junplugged said:
I doubt it's condensor, but the little zoom ps04 I think is. been a while, gotta check again, if my memory is right....
I haven't found out anything on the damn built in mic. Except you don't really want to record with it... Most documentation leans toward memo taking and such...
shees, 4 green lights, go.

And the switch is in the back and I can't remember what way it goes for the int mic to be on. But I have a feeling I might just be using it soon since I'm not really as worried about anything happening to it since It's no longer my #1 multi, so I'll be going mobile with it.

I guess the other thing I'll want is a battery operated condenser mic, I wonder tho, if there's enuf gain w/ just the mr8 and the batt mic....Hey wait, I have an old pzm mic, it has a batt, I wonder tho if that's a good enuf test for it...thinking while typing again....

(tried to give you more, not that you need it but it said I have to spread it around first...:eek)