Fostex MR8-HD

you can plug a guitar straight into it, if that's what you mean.
else you should know; it's a piece of junk, mr8hd. I've got one, it has freezed on me several times, and even lost an entire song from the hard drive once!!
Tomorrow i'm supposed to record a local band gigging in a club and I'm petrified. They say updating software helps, updated, remains to be seen. Windooze's problematics pop into mind.
The sounds you get with a plain guitar are horrid, it's got its own distortion but its useless, noise. got myself a vox audiolab to fix that.
MR8HD - great uni

First of all, apologies to those I may offend. The answer to your question is - yes you can record a guitar directly into the MR8HD, and have no problems. This unit is a fantastic digital recorder if used properly. Meaning, onboard effects, preamps, etc. are truly cheap on ANY digital recorder; it's not where the money is put in development. Not by Yamaha, Roland, Tascam, or any of them. This, and other digital recorders are best when viewed as a standalone digital recorder, clean signals in to record, then do what you want to work with the signal after you have a good clean recording. Geez - for $400 what would you expect? As for others having problems with their units, you will find few, if any postings of problems with the units from those that keep up with software updates. Familiar with PCs? That's why you don't keep using dad's old Radio Shack unit from 20 years ago! MANY MR8 or MR8HD users have absolutely no problems with them.

There's too much operator trouble in too many postings these days. Sorry folks, but if the shoe fits . . . . . . Good luck and enjoy your machine. Just remember to only ask of it what it is capable of giving, and have fun.
So far I've never had a problem recording guiters. I usually line out from my Marshal head and keep the gain low, that seems to work just fine.
I've got an MR8, the black one with the upgrades, that uses the CF cards, it's been used about 4 times and I also have 3 brand new cf cards that have never been used. I bought it as a fancy tape recorder, I'm old school, and it just pretty much sets around here and never gets used. It's for sale at $300.00, the cards alone were $100. I have the box and manuals and it's in new / mint codition. For $300 plus three cards, this is a steal. Email me at :