Fostex mr-8......memory problems


New member
Please forgive me if this post seems really silly and basic, but I have little to no experience in recording.
I have been playing guitar for 15 years. I have decided to do my own album at home.
I have recently ordered a fostex mr-8. I have been reading on this board about the numerous problems in bouncing/mixing tracks. It is obvious that I will have to purchase a 512 mb CF card.
Many people, seem to record the tracks on the mr-8, and do the mixing on their pc. It seems that having the 512 mb CF card , eliminates these problems to a degree, allowing you work on more songs, at the same time. What I want to know is if there is something that I can use to save the finished songs, when I have mixed it down on the mr-8. We have a family pc, which EVERYONE in the house uses. I do not want to use it for my music projects.
Somewhere I can have them stored, until I take them to my neigbours to have them transfered to cd, or leave them there until i wanna work them another time. I really hoping I will not have to buy a pc. A guy mentioned something to me called a dat.
Anyway.......please help!
Copy the tracks to the PC using Wave Manager. It you don't have a CD burner, consider getting one as that is the easiest approach. Burners and blank CD are very cheap today.

link to wav mananger

You can get the wav manager here:

It's very easy to transfer tracks to and from PC with this, but of course this means you will have to use your computer.

Mixing direct to a stand alone CD burner works well, but with very limited editing and EQ-ing (the MR8 doesn't have EQ)

Another thing you could consider is doing your tracking at home and getting an engineer to mix your songs for you, if your budget allows. (You would still have to transfer your wav files to PC to save them) You would also have to find someone who can work with 16-bit files. Most pros work only with 24-bit now, I believe.

If you plan on transferring songs to PC, you may not have to get the 512mb card. It really isn't that much more space. IMHO, the limited CF card space is the major downfall of the MR8. Otherwise it's a pretty cool little machine and I think you'll be pleased with the sound quality.

Best of luck with your album!

Does your neighbor have pc mixing software? You could take the MR8 to your neighbors house after you have tracks down, and transfer them there. Eliminating your family pc. But if your are making an album it may be time consuming. Depending on how many tracks you use per song. Or as kester suggests store your tracks in yours or buddy's pc and pay to have them mixed professionally. But remember that what you give them is what they have to work with. So make sure your takes are clean and don't clip. And some mixing skills are needed for overdubbing during the recording process. If you have little or no recording experience check out past threads in this forum. It will improve your learning curve. Guys like Ed and Kester have taught me pretty much most of what I know about digital recording. Also I have a 256 card and have yet to run out of memory using file transfer. Good luck. Pj
Thanks for the help.
Question.........trying to download the wav manager, but my pc keeps trying to open it with the 'Imaging' program, and therefore cannot get it open, how can solve this?

did you try and redownload the program, worth a try, it should work pretty easy....

download the demo version of n track, i think its great mixing software and very easy to use, and it is cheap too.