Fostex MR-8 and Computer Recording


New member
Greetings everyone,

I am buying a MR-8 here soon and I am doing things like drums and bass using Cakewalk ver. 9. My question is 1) Has anyone had any good quality recordings doing it this way and 2) Any other options other than getting a drum machine and so on?

I was thinking on doing the following... Connecting the SB Live! Value card (E-Mu Synth chip) to the Fostex via a 1/8th inch to 1/4 inch and running it into line to essentialy convert MIDI to .wav and then do my guitars and vocals over that.

I used to have the old Fostex X-11 and loved it. However, going to Rickity-Shack and getting the $100.00 graphic EQ and cutting the 12khz section made it quite clean. Kind of new to the digital era though and excited about the new products (such as the MR-8) comming out for those on a fixed income (or with a family ;) ).

Anyway, kudos to Dave for putting this site up and giving us all a place to exchange ideas and info.