Fostex FR-2 vs. Edirol R-4


New member
These seem to be 2 high-quality portable recorders. Has anybody had a chance to test them? I'm particularily interested in the quality of their preamps and converters.
I cant find a review about the Edirol r-4. It seems like a great portable recorder, but one thing makes me not want to buy it: it seems to lack the option to syncronize (in time) with other recorders. I already own a harddisk-recorder, and it would be very handy to be able to record on 4 more channels.

Product links:

Also, does anybody have a recommendation for other similar recorders?

Thanks for any comments!!
edirol r-4's sync input

Although judging by the posting dates this comment may come very late, I know edirol r-4 provides an input for synchronising audio-video in the field. They call it 'L terminal' or L connector and the camera is the dominant machine in temrs of timestamping compared to timecode generator card option for FR-2.

I am looking for reviews of these pieces of gear myself and if I come across any I'll keep you posted.

Take care,

sound chef