Fostex FD8 / ADAT recording


New member
Through one of the other threads on this board, I'm given to understand that I can record 8 simultaneous tracks on my Fostex FD-8 if I use some sort of ADAT interface, such as the Behringer ADA8000.

Question 1:
Am I understanding this correctly?

Question 2:
Is there anyone who can walk me through said process?

Question 3:
Can someone explain the details (in layman's terms, please) of why this is possible when the FD-8 normally only allows two simultaneous tracks (when just going directly from mic to the FD-8)?

Question 4:
Is the Behringer a decent machine for the money I can expect to pay? (A sound engineer friend of mine is *not* a fan of their products.) If not, is there a similarly priced (or cheaper) alternative that's better?

Question 5:
Are there other questions I should be asking?
1) Yes.

2) PM to JR#97, he's doing it that way.

3) It's one of those "enhanced features" that Fostex decided to put on the FD-8, probably to coincide with a push to want to sell more new Fostex gear, namely, their outboard digital mixers that support ADAT i/o. Honestly, I think it's a cheap ripoff that the FD-8 doesn't record 8-tracks in 8-buss format, from it's own built in mixer. Alternate answer: this technology moves so fast, that even the most agile tech companies can hardly keep up with it. [READS: It was probably an afterthought].

4) Behringer is decent for the money. You'll probably find about as many people who *like* Behringer gear as who do *not*. I don't *have* Behringer equipment, so I *can't* speak directly to it, first hand, but I do know *this*, many people have satisfactory experience using Behringer gear, and many other people just like to trash a brand name, because it's fun to hop on any bandwagon that comes along. There are better mixers, and I'm sure there are worse mixers, and you *usually* get what you pay for.

5) There are always more questions. You solve one problem and move on to another. ;)