Fostex E8 input to high


New member
Hi there,
I just got a Fostex E8 (prior to R8) reel to reel tape recorder and I'm having some problems with the input.
I run my mics through a Focusrite Octopre LE preamp directly into the E8 inputs. I usually make sure the inputs don't get over -12/-10 dB on the focusrite, which was usually perfect when I used to output to my edirol FA101 soundcard. The problem is that for some reason the level is way too hot for the Fostex, and it's impossible to get it not to clip with condenser mics. Could anyone explain why this is happening, and how I could prevent it from happening?
The other thing is I would like to be able to switch between these setups:
- octopre -> fa101
- octopre -> Fostex -> fa101
would a patch-bay allow me to do that?