fostex digital multitrackers....

Dan Colverson

New member
I'm looking to purchase either a FD-8 or an DMT-8 and I was wondering what are the differences and also any good or bad points about either. Any help would be great!
Beware......... you are doomed, doomed, doomed.

I'll sell you my fostex fd-8 :)


But anyway. If you get either, make sure you get an internal drive. The scsi port isn't worth shit. Unless you want only two compressed tracks on a zip 250. They have a habit of freaking out. I haven't been able to tame mine and get any real recording done for a few months.

It's depressing. :(

Plus the pres aren't all that hot, or the rest of the mixer either for that matter.

Maybe their new one is better. The VF-08. But I'll bet that Saddam Hussein has a more responsive customer service team.

The Korg D-8 ins't that much more, and I hear it works with ORB drives. But I've never used a D-8, so don't take my word for it.

Plan well and keep saving if you must.
Maybe the new Tascam digital porta is where it's at?

Maybe I'm just a crank.... (But check out the other threads in this forum. Do a search. I'm not alone.)
But be careful. Try before you buy. I assume this would be a second hand purchase?

-Jett Rocker
yeah I was definatly planning on getting an internal drive and yes it's a second hand purchase :)

Are they really that bad? I'm basically looking to upgrade from my dads 15 year old X-15 cassette 4 track and try and take some of the drama out of recording.
Mine would be great if it worked. There has been a lot of drama involved.

The sound quality is fine. 16 bit. Certainly not 24. A lot better than my tascam 4-track... but a lot less reliable. I would be convenient I think if it worked properly.

You can only record two track at a time which is kind of a bummer. You would probably need to premix drums.

Doesn't feel particularily sturdy either. I worry about the xlr jacks (it's nice to have them in the first place) they feel delicate.

The Fd-8s that come without drive, don't have the cables set up inside, so you have to send them back to Fostex to have the drive installed.

Do a search in the Fostex forum, you'll find more info there.