Fostex 4011 Subsystem help?!?


Redline Recordings
Picked this up used, from a friend who was going to throw it away. It is a VITC reader and VITC generator. Curious, I have Logic Pro 7 (which can sync with time code and SMPTE, and can be set at actually any camera frame rate) and was wondering if this might help me in any way....

I have my MOTU Traveler (word clock/aes/ebu/adat/optical - 192Khz I/O) audio interface, but have not been successful in getting it to read time code from my friends Canon XL2 camera, via the RCA audio outputs. The traveler book says any audio input can be used to receive time code (LTC), and sync up to it. Have had no luck with sync tries, any help?

Trying to record audio for film, and would love to be able to just setup Logic Pro 7 on record standby, and when they press record on the camera, Logic starts rolling via the time-code input it can read through the Traveler. I know this is capable, but can't seem to figure it out. Would this Fostex piece of gear help in any way? Any thoughts on SMPTE/Time Code reading and sync?!? Thanks!