For trade...?


Shredmaster Alpha
I've gotten some of my best gear through trades. I'm looking to get rid of some of my guitar gear, and am attempting to build up my home recording setup.

Here's a list of some things off the top of my head I'm willing to trade. If you want history, pics or details, let me know!

For Trade:
1986 Peavey Vortex 1 Guitar (rare)
Fender Acoustic
1986 Kramer ZX-10 w/ EMG and Strap Locs.
Guitar soft cases/gig bags (acoustic and electric)
A/B switch (1/4" I/O)
MXR Compressor
A child's/undersized drum kit
A Lyon (Washburn) 4-string elect. bass (mid-90's)

The Peavey needs a set-up - it buzzes above the 8th fret, and hasn't been played in some time. I forget the exact model of the fender acoustic, but know it's a lower end model. The Kramer has a custom paint job.

Specifically Looking for:
Studio Projects VTB1
Shure SM57's
Studio Monitors
Soundproofing/Studio Foam
Middle-range cables (Mogami, Monster) - XLR, 1/4"
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