For the love of dtb!!


I liked what you added to Dan's tune but, I like the tune just fine with out it too. I guess I just really liked the song.

There seems to be some farting in the mp3 that I didn't hear in the original. Perhaps Dan could send you a .wav file of it and allow for a better quality addition to be made here.

Nice bass playing! You did a good job of blending it in and not having it sound out of place in the mix.

Cheers! :)

Yeah, I agree totally, this song does just fine without bass.

I spent much more time than usuall, trying to make sure the bass line didn't interfere with Dan's wonderfull playing.

Yeah this was second generation MP3, quality wasn't to be expected. Just wanted to share.

On the lighter side ended up with bass blisters, on my picking fingers hehe.

BTW: dtb didn't know I was going to colaborate, hope its a pleasant surprise, and not a terrorist attack.

Dan, read your PM, thanks!!

shhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm off to work, be back in about 3-4 hours. ma is still sleep, and I don't want to wake her.

Anytime someone wants to play with my tunz, it's absolutely ok. so GT, I'll give her a listen in a few.

What a nice thing to do, man! Both versions are fine in my book but it's nice to see inspiration and appreciation played out in 4/4 time! Cool!
Cool bass line man.....

I like both versions but, yeah....there is a quality issue with both recordings.......just a couple of clicks or as Ghost says....farts....
you added reverb to Dan's tracks too.....not a bad thing....
pretty cool actually.......

There was a swallow of beer at the beginning that's missing favorite part :D

I like the recording play really good.

who gives a rip about farts. sounds mighty good there, GT. how's about move in with me and we'll make beautiful music together. LOL. this is a really nice thing to have: folks who enjoy my music enough to make them want to play with it. thanks.

Thanks all!!

GT with a B to the dtb.

Whatever happens, Dan's song is a winner.

Great fun!!

A wonderful song already, but this adds a new dimension. Very nicely done, GT! Sure, there are a few "farts" and probably a few "burps and hiccups" as well, but who gives a damn. The song stands on its own merit and the bass adds a very nice touch.

Great job!

Very nice song, i think i missed the thread of the original without the bass accompaniment.

That was a very nice thing you GT, taking an interest like that and taking the time to track a bass part. Very thoughtful. The song sounds real good.