For the greatest mix..

Well SirBroch, you seem to have answered yuor own question. Take more time with recording and mix.

I listened to "The Remains" and "Sewerworks".

I found the first song sonically interesting and diverse, although for an instrumental I thought it was just a touch repetetive to stand being over four minutes long. Personally, I would have tightened up the structure a bit, but that's just my opinion.

I thought the drum work on it was excellently programmed/sequenced.

I didn't have too much in the way of beefs with the mix, although in the intro of "The Remains" it seemed like you had a couple different echo speeds fighting with each other. A very minor complaint. Other than that, I thought the mix was clear and well executed.

Reminds me just a bit of "Blue Man Group".

"Sewerworks" (at 1:08) sounds like an unfinished song idea. If fleshed out to a reasonable length, it would work very well in one of those computer graphics movies that they always seem to show at Rave parties and dance clubs, or in a soundtrack.

I enjoyed listening to them both.

Charles, thank you very much for taking a real listen! Wow. Dead on. Sewerworks was recording last night by myself and I don't work well alone as you can tell!! The remains was done with my Brendan, the other guy as he is real diligent with programming drum sequences, something I hate to do but starting to realize the consequences..

Thanks again!
