for all you linux nay-sayers

Haven't tried it yet, but it is on the list. Don't remember why I didn't try it earlier. There was a reason like something I wanted that wasn't supported. I try to follow the mailing list however. No hury. Running 64bit linux for more than a year now...
Gentoo. Tried putting Kubuntu on the pc of a friend that wanted to try linux, but it never managed to install. Same on my pc when I tried that. The download and dvd were ok. Heard good of it, but bad luck I guess.
on my initial try i did something pretty dumb. i tried to put the x86 version on my amdx2. i knew about the other version too...i totaly spaced on that one. :rolleyes:
I use DeMuDi... if you have a card supported by ALSA the conversion would probably be very painless. The install is all of 30min and it took me about a day to learn most of the software...

I have an Edirol FA-66 and have to use the FreeBob driver which works but needs more effort to install....

I'm supposed to be putting together a website with tutorials and howtos on all this... but I'm easially distracted...