Footswitch for Controlling Computer


New member

I now have my little studio set up.

M-Audio 410
Guitar Tracks Pro
Dell Laptop
Studiophile Bx5's

Seems to work quite well and the sound quality is much better than my PS-02.

The only thing is I don't like having to lean over to the computer and hit the record button. I use a click in count but I would still rather control the start-stop with my foot.

Is this something to do with MIDI? How can I assign the record/stop/rewind function to some type of footswitch?
There's the ATI Remote Wonder, a really neat remote control. You can get it to work with any application by using the Girder soft, which will simulate keyboard actions whenever you press a button on the remote.
The remote works with RF, so the signal passes through walls, up to 7 meters distance. pretty nice.