

This is pretty clever shit! I can dig it! ROFL...

Recordingwise.... there's something weird in the frequency of those cymba......

Oh. 64kbps, 22Hz sampling.... I would imagine your original sounds better than this, then.

Who's the chica, btw? Sounds like it was sampled (although I can see how you might have added the LP "pops", in which case NICE TOUCH!), is this from a movie or something?

ESPN radio should have liked it. Screw'em if they really dissed it (sounds like one of the loudmouth talents didn't have anything real to say, so he dug into ya...).

Yup. Thumbs up! :D
Morley wha

The chicka is my Godin Solidac through a Morley wha into the johnson J station. the pops are my lack of technique. Thanks for your encouragement.
I think your onto something there, Zelmo.
Your wife added a fine touch.

You can't please everyone, Zelmo. It seems the nerd jock has no taste. Poor excuse in my opinion.
Good job. I like it.
Congrats on them playing it. At least someone thought enough to air it.