Food For Thought!


King of the Wicker People
I've been floating around this BBS for a few years now and one thing that keeps comming up is a common question:

How do I market myself? How do I sell my music online?

But the people asking the question never seem to wait for an answer before lamenting "With so much free music online I don't stand a chance."

Well, here's something to cinsider: If you have a product to sell: SOMEONE WILL BUY IT... No matter how stupid is sounds it's true.

If it weren't true, then there wouldn't be late night infomercials selling "The Greatest Vitamin In The World", or that old product - hair in a can... remember that one? Non toxic spray paint to give the illusion of hair? LOL

Still not convinced that you can market ANYTHING? Then explain the Jerry Springer show... or Cheaters... or Blind Date & Fifth Wheel... or Elimidate.

EVERY Idea and EVERY product has a target audience... the trick is FINDING your target audience. Then (and here's the tricky part) LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE THERE

Most of the people I see whineing about having no public exposure don't seem to get this simple yet universal fact: Club Owners and A&R people don't go door to door (or garage to garage) looking for talent. If you're not out there playing then you should be marketing yourself to some degree or another.

I felt the urge to post this after reading about a guy who, last year, made $180,000 selling people tips on how to win at certain video games.... I know it sounds rediculous, but people actually pay this guy for strategy tips. For video games!!!!!!!

OK here's a link where I found the info: PLEASE don't mistake this for some kind of spam as it points to a Internet Marketing site (Which it too in a sense is peddling comon sense info for insane prices) But here it is... scroll to the bottom and on the left is a testemonial about the guy in question Bert Ingley ...

And here's a link to his site so you can see for yourself:

This guy's selling tips for :
College Football Tips
ESPN Football Tips
Halo 2 Tips
Nascar Sim Racing Tips

So if you think there's no way to market yourself, just look at the stupid shit that people are getting rich off of... there's NO reason you can't market your music online... it just takes one thing that many people aren't willing to put in... TIME.

Take the TIME to get known and seen, and heard. The rest will undoubtedly follow.

- Tanlith -
Well said tanlith. I am fond of this quote from Jonathon Winters: "I couldn't wait for I went ahead without it." In marketing, no one is going to know about your product or service unless you TELL them. The same can be said about your music. You have to make the moves to have people find you. I have given this link before on Tips For Promoting Your Music, it has a lot of great ideas to get started.

Yes, because of the Internet, there is a lot more great music at everyone's fingertips. You just can't see it as there is no way to find a needle in a haystack (how are they going to find me?), see it as how can I set this haystack on fire!

Sidenote: A great list of inspirational quotes can be found at Quotes for Transformation