"Follow" needs mix feedback

Mister M

Musician and School Teach
I helped a friend put this together and am looking for some feedback on the mix. He did the vocals, guitar and bass and I contributed some backing vocals, a little guitar, and drum loops.

The song is called "Follow" and can be downloaded from the link below:

Hey man, I noticed no comments on your post for over a day. I guess we got a lot more lurkers than contributors these days...anyway - Hope this helps some: Your mix is just ok. The guitar tone sounds a little 'cheap', some eq cut at around 800 should help or and equipment upgrade. Same prob. with the bass. The drums seem a little low and flat too. The biggest problem you have here are the song itself and the performances. It sounds like the writer really has something to say, but needs to craft the tune better. The vocal performance is not very good either. There are definite pitch problems here. The singer needs to practice some before trying to record again. I hope I'm not too harsh here. If this is your first attempt then it's pretty good, if not then it needs work. :D

Good luck
Thanks for the comment-not harsh at all. Some more tweaking is definitely in order with the instruments. I have noted the vocal problems as well-I've had the same problem when I have recorded his songs in the past and this is one of the better takes I've gotten. :-/